Wednesday 21 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

The Nazi Conspiracy Legacy

The Nazi Conspiracy-Legacy & 
Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’ 
Quantic or Human Madness?
In retrospect, 60 years after the end of WW2, it is difficult for most supposedly ‘rational and intelligent’ people to realise what ‘Dreams, Madness or Fantasy made virtually the entire German race ‘enthusiastically’ follow a ‘raving mad-man’ into the Hell of a Global War.
From Zhan’s perspective, from 300 years in the future, it is equally difficult to realise the Dreams, Madness or Fantasy that has allowed a ‘dangerous mathematical fantasy’, in the form of quantum mechanics, to become the global ‘main-stay’ of modern science.
We are told by modern science, well at least by quantum mechanics, that if a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, it will cause a storm somewhere in America. This is Chaos theory, which is derived from Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’.
However, modern science, especially quantum mechanics, finds it hard to accept or agree, that dumping millions of tons of CO2 from fossil fuel into the atmosphere will cause Global Warming!
In reality: the modern Hype of ‘Quantic Mathematical Fantasy’ and ‘whimsical’ attitude of science and politics, over the past 100-years, is exactly the cause and reason for Global Warming and many other environmental and social problems.
Most of the world’s population are aware of the ‘Chaos: Butterfly’ theory, very few however, know of ‘Heisenberg’, let alone his ‘Uncertainty Principle’. 
In reality, modern environmental problems can be traced back to the rise of Nazi Germany and ‘Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle’
No one, not even the world’s leading scientists, realise the ‘Devastating Truth’ behind the conflict between ‘quantum mechanics’, the ‘Uncertainty Principle’ and the ‘Conservation of Energy: the 1st Law of Thermodynamics’ and Global Warming.
The Arguments against quantum mechanics. 
The greatest crime against humanity, instigated by the Nazis, the Deutsche Physik Movement,  Heisenberg and quantum mechanics, is not the development of the Nuclear Bomb, but in creating an insidious ‘Philosophical Virus’ that is the direct cause of Global Warming and many other environmental problems.
The ‘Philosophical Virus’, over 80 years, has slowly eaten away and destroyed the world’s Scientific, Technological & Social understanding of the Natural Laws of Physics, especially that of the ‘Conservation of Energy’.
The result of this destructive ‘Philosophical Virus’ is that modern science has forgotten the fundamental principles of the ‘Conservation of Energy’ in nature and in science. 
This in turn has created a total misconception of Energy and its use and ‘conservation’. 
This is the main cause of Global Warming and the near apocalyptic state of the Planet Earth.
Consequently the ‘Nazi Legacy’ is what we now know as ‘Global Warming’.
What is a ‘Philosophical Virus’? 
The Computer Analogy
A ‘Philosophical Virus’ can be compared to a computer virus. A computer virus attacks and gradually destroys the fundamental ‘operating system’, the binary code and DOS (Digital Operating System) of the computer. In this context, the binary code and DOS can be considered as the fundamental principles or ‘Philosophy’ on which the total computer system relies and operates. If the binary code or the DOS, are corrupted or destroyed, the entire computer fails to function correctly, or collapses altogether.
I can guarantee that there are very few computer users, in the entire world, who has not had a similar ‘devastating’ experience, due to the corruption of the computer system.
Quantum Mechanics: the ‘Philosophical Virus’. To relate this to a ‘Philosophical Virus’ in global science and society: Consider the basic fundamental principles, the basic philosophies of the global social structure, such as Science, Politics and Religion.
In Politics and Religion there are many alternatives & variations, or different philosophies, by which the global society ‘muddle’ through our globally chaotic, daily lives. 
However, in Science there are no alternatives, there is only one principle or philosophy, on which the entire global ‘belief’ or understanding (rightly or wrongly) of Science is based, that of quantum mechanics! 
If the fundamental philosophy of science is corrupt, incorrect or wrong, then the whole ethos of science and science related phenomena (which is just about everything) starts to break down in a spectacular manner. Which is exactly what the world is experiencing in Global Warming and many other environmental problems.
The objective or ‘mission’ of the ‘Cosmic Dimension’, is to prove this argument, and to offer a reasonable, commonsense alternative to the disastrous ‘Chaos’, caused by quantum mechanics and its nonsensical, ridiculous ‘Uncertainty Principle’.
Nazi Conspiracy & the Nazi Legacy
There is evidence, and there is good argument, that the current state of the planet is due to a ‘Nazi Conspiracy’: The ‘Nazi Legacy’, as explained in ‘Deutsche Physik’. 
The argument goes: Hitler and the Nazis were, above all, great planners. From the outset they thought of, and created scenarios for every future possibility and event, including the possibility of not attaining ‘world domination’ and losing the war.
From about 1925 the embryonic Nazi Germany, and a few other nations, were interested in developing Nuclear Energy, but more importantly Nuclear Weapons, with all its implications.
What better way of misleading and misdirecting other countries Nuclear Energy development, than to put out false information concerning the basic principles of nuclear physics. An accepted (if that’s the right word) part of ‘War Strategy’ is to continually feed the enemy with plausible disinformation, which was a strategy used by both Germany and Britain and its Allies, to great affect throughout the war.  
It can also be argued, and there is considerable evidence (in the public domain, below) that Heisenberg’s role in creating the ‘Uncertainty Principle’, apart from ‘ingratiating’ himself with Hitler and the Nazi Party, was to create this false information, to mislead his fellow nuclear physicists and other nations, as part of the plan.
Another, less plausible ‘conspiracy theory’ or maybe even part of the original, is that Heisenberg’s misinformation was to bring about world chaos in the event that Hitler lost the war. 
There is lots of evidence that Hitler was seriously vindictive, especially in denying his enemies what he could not have. 
Towards the end of WW2, Hitler is reported to have said,
"We may go down but we will take the world down with us", which is more or less what this chapter is all about: Global Warming & the destruction of the Earth.

A prime example of this vindictiveness, is the fact that Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Choltitz, to ‘raise Paris to the ground’, as the Germans retreated. It was only the good sense of the General in refusing to carry out such an order, that Paris exists as she does today.
And so it has come to pass: The world has turned to chaos due to science and societies misuse and abuse of ‘Energy’, through false science and technology, based on Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, and quantum mechanics ignorance (to ignore) and disregard the ‘Natural Laws Physics’ and especially those pertaining to the ‘Conservation of Energy’.
‘The Yalta Conspiracy’ below, was a ‘deliberate’ continuation of the ‘Nazi Conspiracy’, created by the USA, to further the ‘American Dream’ through Consumerism and ‘over consumption’ of fossil fuels.  
Throughout the war, and after the war, Heisenberg experienced some seemingly miraculous events and ‘escapes’, that can only be explained as part of some greater ‘Nazi Conspiracy Theory’. The following is a potted biography of Heisenberg (thanks to with the author’s notes (in italics) to support the above arguments.

 Heisenberg & The Nazi Conspiracy: 
To create a fallacy, especially in a subject as complex as nuclear physics, it is necessary for the perpetrator to have a full and workable understanding of the true facts.
Heisenberg was a great admirer and follower of Einstein and based all of his earlier work on Einstein’s theories. Einstein did not agree with quantum theory and stated as often as possible that Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’ was ‘Utter Nonsense’.
In the early days of the Nazi regime, Heisenberg often referred to Einstein’s work as primary examples of physics. Heisenberg was ordered, by the Nazis, to denounce Einstein and his work, because he was Jewish. Heisenberg, ‘Judas like’, readily complied and even continued to denigrate Einstein’s work, long after the war had ended.
From:      During the early days of the Nazi regime in Germany, Heisenberg was harassed as a "White Jew" for teaching the theories of Albert Einstein in contrast with the Nazi-sanctioned Deutsche Physik movement. After a character investigation that Heisenberg himself instigated and passed, SS chief Heinrich Himmler banned any further political attacks on the physicist.
Heisenberg was the head of the Nazi Nuclear Energy program; this fact alone was ‘possibly’ enough to warrant such protection, but not conclusively. If there were some other secret agenda between Hitler and Heisenberg, this would definitely warrant such protection and impunity.

Nuclear fission was discovered in Germany in 1938. (However, the principles and interest in nuclear fission can be traced back to 1905, with Rutherford's research into 'Smashing' a Hydrogen Nucleus)  

Werner Heisenberg remained in Germany during World War II, working under the Nazi regime. He led Germany's nuclear weapon/nuclear power program, but the extent of his cooperation in the development of weapons has been a subject of historical controversy.
Werner Heisenberg revealed the program's existence to Bohr at a conference in Copenhagen in September 1941. After the meeting, the lifelong friendship between Bohr and Heisenberg ended abruptly. Bohr later joined the Manhattan Project.‘Germany did not succeed in producing an atomic bomb’.
Bohr’s great interest was the development of Nuclear Energy, as demonstrated in his involvement in the Manhattan Project. The big question that has been asked ever since the Copenhagen meeting in 1941 is, ‘What did Heisenberg say to Bohr to instantly destroy a lifelong friendship’?
Heisenberg’s involvement in the development of a nuclear bomb would have been of great interest to Bohr, regardless of Heisenberg’s involvement with the Nazis. 
All ‘quantic’ physicists at this time, based their understanding of quantum mechanics on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, especially Bohr. There is nothing related to nuclear physics, or Nazi involvement that could have created such a rift between two lifelong friends, so that’s not the answer.
Could it be that Heisenberg ‘spilt the beans’ about the true nature and the ‘Hoax’ of the ‘Uncertainty Principle’? Now that would have really ‘pissed off’ Bohr, in a big way. 
Quantum mechanics had gone too far up the road of the Uncertainty Principle to suddenly change direction, which would be impossible. This is covered in the chapter, ‘Conservation of Energy’ as ‘Mental Inertia’.

If Bohr knew of the 'conspiracy', he certainly wouldn’t tell anyone, that would be like admitting that he had been ‘suckered’ by his best friend, on who’s theories he had based his life’s-work, and so had every other ‘quantic’. Not a very enviable hole to be in.
What would you do?

From: It has been speculated that Werner Heisenberg had moral qualms and tried to slow down the project. Heisenberg himself attempted to paint this picture after the war, and Thomas Power's book ‘Heisenberg's War’ and Michael Frayn's play ‘Copenhagen’ adopted this interpretation. Part of this interpretation is based on the fact that Heisenberg did not champion the project to Albert Speer in a way which got it any attention or very much funding (which Samuel Goudsmit of the ALSOS project interpreted as being partially because Heisenberg himself was not fully aware of the feasibility of an atomic bomb). At best (for Heisenberg), he may have tried to hinder the German project; at worst, he may have just been ignorant of how to create an atomic bomb (it has been wryly commented that one can know either Heisenberg's morality in this respect, or his competence, but not both).
In February 2002, a letter written by Bohr to Heisenberg in 1957 (but never sent) emerged. In it, Bohr relates that Heisenberg, in their 1941 conversation, did not express any moral problems with the bomb making project, that Heisenberg had spent the past two years working almost exclusively on it, and that he was convinced that the atomic bomb would eventually decide the war. The context of this letter, however, was the publication of the journalist Robert Jungk's ‘Brighter Than a Thousand Suns’, which painted Heisenberg as having single-handedly and purposely derailed the German project. Jungk printed an excerpt from a personal letter from Heisenberg -- taken out of context -- to justify the claim (in the full letter, Heisenberg was more demure about whether he had taken a strong moral stance). Bohr was understandably flustered by this apparent claim as it did not match with his own perception of Heisenberg's war work at all.

Some historians of science take this as evidence that the previous interpretation of Heisenberg's resistance was wrong, but others have argued that Bohr profoundly misunderstood Heisenberg's intentions at the 1941 meeting, or an overly passionate reaction to Jungk's work. As a piece of evidence, it has had little effect on overall historical conclusions.

The knowledge of the Uncertainty Principle Hoax would certainly answer these questions, however Bohr would be very reluctant to disclose this fact to anyone.

The Yalta Conspiracy. There is another great mystery, as far as I know, that has never been questioned or even hinted at. 
After the war the Americans and the Russians gathered up all of the top German nuclear physicists to work on their respective Nuclear Bomb projects, and you couldn’t get any more ‘Top’ than Heisenberg. This ‘offer’ was not a ‘choice’ it was compulsory, any top nuclear physicists the Americans missed would have certainly ended up in Russia.

Amazingly Heisenberg was allowed to return to Germany and continue with his work as though the war had never happened. Why was this?

Long after the war, it transpired that during the Yalta Conference, held mainly between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, Roosevelt and Stalin came to a secret deal, behind Churchill’s back, to allow Stalin to occupy the eastern European countries (Poland, Czechoslovakia etc) without opposition from the USA. Was Heisenberg’s freedom (for holding some extraordinary knowledge that would benefit the American Dream) also part of this agreement?

One of the primary arguments in Cosmic Dimensions, is that the quantum mechanicsfallacy based on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and neglect of the laws of ‘Conservation of Energy’ has encouraged the west, especially America, to use and abuse fossil fuel with total disregard for the environmental consequences. However it has had the affect of making the USA the most powerful nation on the Planet, through consumerism and the negligent use and abuse of fossil fuel. The USA is also the greatest nation in terms of environmental pollution and chaos, especially when it comes to interfering in other nations, for power and profit.

That’s the Nazi Legacy!  
The Nazi Nuclear Bomb!

In the statements above: ‘Germany did not succeed in producing an atomic bomb’. & 
Heisenberg himself was not fully aware of the feasibility of an atomic bomb’.
The image on the left is a drawing of the Nazi Nuclear Bomb, discovered after WW2. 
The argument put forward is, this could not be the Nazi bomb, because Plutonium wasn’t discovered or ‘available’ until after the war.
The ‘simple truth’ is that Plutonium was ‘discovered’ by Glenn Seaborg: an American nuclear chemist in 1940.
America joined the war in December 1941. 
The Real Question that should be addressed is: 
How did the information and knowledge about Plutonium, get from the USA to Nazi Germany, when the USA, although ‘neutral’, was supposedly supporting the Allied cause??? 

In a 2005 book, Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch published a book, Hitlers Bombe(in German), which was reported in the press as claiming to provide evidence that Nazi Germany had tested crude nuclear weapons on Rügen island and near Ohrdruf, Thuringia, killing many war prisoners under the supervision of the SS. Some press reports, however, have reported the book as only having claimed to provide evidence that the Nazis have been successful with a radiological weapon(a "dirty bomb"), not a "true" nuclear weapon powered by nuclear fission. Karlsch's primary evidence, according to his publisher's reports, are "vouchers" for the "tests" and a patent for a plutonium weapon from 1941. Karlsch cites a witness to the Ohrdruf blast and another to the scorched bodies of victims afterwards. He also claims to have radioactive samples of soil from the sites. At Nuremburg trials in 1946 Nazi munitions minister Albert Speer was questioned by prosecutors about the Ordruf blast, in an attempt to hold Speer accountable for its victims.