Wednesday 21 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Chaos Theory Based on the Heisenberg's 'Uncertainty Principle'.

Chaos Theory: 
Based on the Heisenberg's ‘Uncertainty Principle’. 
Or should that be the ‘Indecision Principle’?  

Modern Atomic Physics:
Where did it all go Wrong??? 

The basic principle of the Uncertainty Principle and ‘Quantics’, ‘vaguely states’:’If you don’t know the answer, you can make up any mathematical fantasy you like, as long as it sounds profound and no one else can understand what you’re raving about’.

Quantum mechanics, the supposed ‘foundation’ of modern science', was spawned out of Heisenberg’s: Uncertainty Principle.
This ‘Principles of 'Uncertainty', Vagueness & Ambiguity, have also infiltrated many other avenues of life, especially into Politics, making it acceptable to be vague, or what some might call, ‘stupid’ or ‘idiotic’.  

According to Cosmic Dimension: the Unified Theory:
this is the real 'Chaos Theory'.
The Nazi Conspiracy:
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle was also the basis for the ‘Nazi Conspiracy’, to derail other nations research into Nuclear Weaponry, euphemistically called Nuclear Energy, and to denigrated Einstein’s (Jewish) work on the Theory of Relativity and the ‘Unified Theory’.

Global Warming: The Nazi Legacy: 
The World is now suffering the consequences of the Nazi Conspiracy we know as Global Warming.
Most people are aware that the Planet Earth, and all that lives on it, is in a terrible state of Chaos & Confusion:
Promoted by Quantics as 'Chaos Theory'.
We all see the world’s problems from many different perspectives, generally and selfishly, from our own point of view.
“I may be concerned about the plight of starving Africans but what can I do, the problem is too big. The price of fuel is rocketing and I’ve got a boil on my bum, these are the problems in my world”.
Since WW2, there has always been a War waging somewhere on the Planet. (Ref: Prophecies of Mitar Tarabich)

People are dying of starvation in Africa and other parts of the world, while in the West, we throw away mountains of food, and think nothing of it.
The Planet Earth is about to go into a serious global ‘meltdown’ due to Global Warming, and yet the ‘Scientists’ & Politicians cant even agree if global warming exists, let alone the cause.
There are millions of similar problems out there, most of which we expect someone else to sort out.
The people we depend & rely on are the Politicians, Scientists & Religious Leaders; jokingly called the ‘World Leaders’,
 Unfortunately, the Politicians, Scientists & most Religious Leaders are not interested in sorting out the world problems, after all it’s these problems that keep them in their extremely profitable Jobs
The majority of ‘World Leaders’ are only in the ‘game’ for their own profit and glorification.
As an 'ex-scientist', I see many of the world’s problems related to science and technology.
I find it very worrying that modern science cannot answer several simple fundamental questions: What is Gravity? & What is Light?

Gravity is the most fundamental physical phenomenon that holds us on this Earth, and holds the planet in its orbit around the Sun.

Although Sir Isaac Newton provided all of the math and figures to explain the functions of Gravity & Light way back in the late 1600s, modern science and quantum mechanics cannot answer the very simple question; what causes Gravity?

Quantum mechanics are still waiting for a Graviton, a Photon of Gravity, to float past their collective mathematical noses. One would have thought that in this ‘Gravity Rich’ environment,here on Earth, Gravitons would be very abundant, if they exist at all.

Then there is another big question: What is Light? Modern science still does not fully understand the nature of Sunlight, the fundamental energy to which all life on Earth owes its existence.

The big question, in scientific terms is, is Light a Wave energy or a Particle energy?
The answers to both these fundamental questions, According to Cosmic Dimension: The Unified Theory is provided in the chapters: 

‘What is Gravity?’ & What is Light?’.
If modern science understood the true nature of Gravity & Sunlight, it would be possible to harness this technology to provide a great abundance of Free, Autonomous, Sustainable and Clean Energy for the entire world.

Instead we insist on polluting the Planet Earth with fossil fuels and nuclear technology. For my part, I would like to change the attitude and understanding of modern science.
This is my contribution to this cause: ‘The Unified Theory’presented as this work, called the ‘Cosmic Dimension’.