Thursday 29 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Reptilian Bloodline Still Going Strong

The ancient reptilian bloodline comes from alien reptilians interbreeding with humans to make a ruling class of human-alien hybrids that could rule over all of the rest of us through royalty and secret societies.

Ancient reptilians came to this planet around 3600 hundred years ago. After creating us in their likeness the reptilians began to breed with the daughters of men. Accounts of this have even been documented in Greek and Roman mythology. Zeus was one the gods that has had mortal children, like Hercules for example. We were created by the altering of DNA. 

To this day there are reptilian elite that run all of the worlds super powers. This has always been this way. The Queen of England uses a ton of snake imagery in her pictures and wardrobes, and even coats of arms. These things are something we should all think about... Do they have a large base underground? Why was Princess Diana's accident so strange in the way it happened? Was she going to tell us their secret? She was quoted calling her family reptiles before she died, she confided in one of her best friends with this knowledge! Her best friend has spoken out about this to David Icke and he has wrote about it in his books. There is too much proof, and subliminal imagery in not only television shows, but music videos, commercial advertisements, and even commercial logos as well. How long did they think they could keep this from us? Someone is pulling the strings. Everyone can feel it in their heart, I believe this to be true. Why is the royal family and different government agencies lying to us about our true origins? Hawass in Egypt is a fraud. A puppet setup by these people to control the exploration of Egypt and put a damper on every single archaeologist that touches the Egyptian soil. All of these people are pawns to the royal elites. We have to be very careful, if we want to live in harmony, we have to be honest with each other. Not keep oaths with certain sects using various secret handshakes and orders. JFK has a speech that points this out very clear. Now he is dead. It does not take a genius to connect the dots here. If you speak out, you die. My proposal is honesty. We must keep cool, and not do anything that will drive us to extinction. Their could be a coming global disaster, most probably won't be prepared for it, because they won't have knowledge of it. This is very sad. The Most Important Truth About Our Origins and Love are the keys to our survival. I hope the world can learn that in time, and that goes for all of us.