Wednesday 21 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

What is Time? 3 (Einstein’s Theory of Relativity & Time).

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity & Time.
Einstein wrote two papers on the Relativity; the ‘Special Theory of Relativity’ in 1905deals with such things as Relative Time when travelling at speed of light’, ‘Time differences due to movement’ & ‘Time dilation in moving objects’.
 In 1916 Einstein produced his ‘General Theory of Relativity’ this was a continuation and an update of the earlier ‘Special Theory of Relativity’. The General Theory of Relativity deals with Gravity and the Space Time Continuum.
These theories are often referred to but less often understood, there has always been a lot of confusion about Einstein's theories and Relativity, especially among physicists & quantics.
So let's have a closer look at what was meant.
In the earlier 1905 Special Theory, Einstein referred to travelling at the ‘speed of light’, in all ‘time dilation’ discussions, however in his later theories he refers to 'acceleration' but did not emphasise the difference. 
The reason for this was that Einstein was trying to relate Light to Time, and presumably confused a Space Ship with a Photon of Light.          
About Intuition:
Confused a Space Ship with a Photon of Light may seem like a rather silly thing to do, however, when dealing with ‘Intuition’, this sort of initial ‘misinterpretation’ is quite common. Since I have received most of Cosmic Dimension through similar ‘Intuition’, all be it with an expert ‘mentor’, believe me, I know!
The answers certainly don’t come quickly and may take years to develop, often ending up as an exciting and sudden ‘eureka’ moment.
When dealing with really profound & exciting ‘Intuitive’ concepts, such as Einstein’s Special Theory, the recipient will generally want to ‘Shout it to the World’, even if the theory is not fully developed. This often creates a great deal of confusion, as in the case of ‘Relativity’, because the recipient cannot fully explain the theory.
Einstein later included ‘acceleration’ in his time dilation theories, which allowed ‘Time Dilation’ to occur at any speed (rate of acceleration) and not just at the speed of light. 
Regardless of Einstein’s change of ‘opinion’, many later physicists still refer to the ‘speed of Light’ without any consideration of the acceleration required to reach the ‘speed of light’.
Photons of Light.
Acceleration is particularly important when dealing with Light Photons (sub-dimn D-2 atoms), because LPs have also been instantly ‘accelerated’ to light speed during their initial creation in ‘nuclear fission’, on the surface of the Sun or Star. (Ref: What is Light?)
 In E=mc2Einstein's famous equation, supposedly for the conversion of mass to energy. c2 represents the physical Energy imparted to the photon of light (dimn D-2 atom) during the instantaneous acceleration on the surface (Photosphere) on the Sun. (Ref: What is Light?)
So back to Einstein’s theory of Time Dilation.
1st Theory: Einstein stated:When travelling close to or at speed of light, simultaneity is no longer universal and the timescale in a moving framework is dilated with respect to one at rest.
Translation: When travelling at the speed of light, Time will run slower on the moving object compared to the Time on a stationary object.
The Basic Principle of Time Dilation.
Electrons tend to orbit about the nucleus at a constant ‘Orbital Velocity’ (not to be confused with Orbital Frequency). 
Because a greater distance must be covered, it will take longer for the electrons in the ‘faster accelerated mass’ to orbit the nucleus, than in the ‘slower accelerated mass’. 
This affects the Electron Orbital Frequency (EOF), which in turn governs ‘Time’.
Therefore Time will run slower (be dilated) on the faster accelerated mass than the slower accelerated mass.
In 2 identical Spaceship; 1 (at rest) in Earth’s gravity: 1-G (32ft per sec. sec.), the other accelerating at 1-G. Time would be dilated on both Spaceships by exactly the same amount (Time would run at the same rate).  
Uh Oh! Light Speed Problem 1: No body or mass can attain any speed, especially the speed of light, without having been accelerated up to that speed, over a period of Time. As a rough estimate it would take Einstein’s ‘theoretical space ship’ about 30 years to accelerate up to the speed of light at a constant and comfortable velocity of 1-G (Gravity constant of 32ft.sec.sec)
Problem 2: 
It would take 3 years for the same space ship at 10-G constant acceleration to reach the speed of light.
Unfortunately most of the occupants of the ship would probably be ‘dead-tired’ (dead from fatigue) after about 6 hours. The space ship would also gradually disintegrate, also due to ‘metal fatigue’ in the actual atomic structures that make up the ship.
The only time that Time Dilation occurs is under Acceleration.
Once the Space Ship reaches the speed of light and the ‘drive’ is switched off, Time will revert to the same time as that of the stationary object, although the ship is continuing to travel at the speed of light.
In this illustration:
Spaceship R1 represents a stationary ship in zero gravity. Time can be said to run at a ‘Universal Standard Time’ (UST), which however, is subject to local variations in the ‘Space Time Continuum’. 
R2 represents a ship travelling at any constant velocity but with no drive, ie after acceleration. Time will be exactly the same as on the stationary ship; R1.
R3 represents a ship under a slow rate of acceleration. Time will be dilated, as explained above.
R4 represents a ship under a high rate of acceleration, with a greater time dilation. Time will run a lot slower.
Maximum Acceleration: There is a finite limit to the amount of acceleration before the electrons are unable to maintain their orbits. At this stage the entire mass of the ship and crew will start to disintegrate or ‘dissolve’. This is probably what Einstein was referring to in his theory
Stating: No body can travel as fast or faster than the speed of light. At this speed a body would have zero length and infinite mass, while time would standstill on it.
Gravity Drive:
The only way to comfortably achieve the speed of light would be with a ’Gravity Drive’.
The Gravity Drive would induce elliptically biased Electron Orbitals in the direction to be travelled, in every atom of the ship, including the crew.

Cosmic Dimension provides the principles for the technology to create a Gravity Drive in Chapters 10: What is Gravity? & Chapter 12: Gyroscopic Forces.