Wednesday 21 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

What is Time? 2 (Time Dilation)

Time Dilation:
If the ‘Physical Time’ increases, the ‘body’ will age faster, if the Physical Time decreases Time will be dilated – Time will run slower, the body will age slower.

Time = Bio-Resonance.
Also known as the ‘Metabolic Rate’. 
In terms of bio-atomics, the Electron Orbital Frequency (EOF) ‘timing’, will happen at a rate or frequency that determines all biological, ‘Life-functions’, which uniformly acts upon all the atoms that make up the ‘body’. If the EOF (bio-resonance) or Timing slows down, the body will literally age at a slower rate. If the EOF – bio-resonance increases, the ‘body’ will age at a faster rate, however, at a higher Metabolic Rate, the body will also repair (heal) itself quicker.

Time Dilation due to Acceleration: 
According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Time is a physical phenomenon that is equivalent & related (Relative) to other forces and energies comprising the (local) Space Time Continuum. 
In other words, Time is also a form of Energy that can fluctuate due to interactions with other forms of energy, such as Heat, Light, Gravity, EME (Electromagnetic Energy) and Acceleration. (Ref: Principal of Equivalence)
As demonstrated in the previous chapter, ‘About Time’, the Physical Time of any matter can be increased or decreased by variations of the Electron Orbital Frequency (EOF).
According to modern science, based on the modern interpretation of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity, Time can only be dilated (slowed down) only by the influences of Gravity and Acceleration. However the EOF, bio-resonance, or ‘Physical Atomic Time’, can also be influenced by variation in all other forms of energy, such as Thermal and Electromagnetic Energy.

How Time is dilated due to Acceleration.
Under Acceleration all of the electrons comprising the accelerated body, tend to form Elliptical Eccentric Orbits, biased in the opposite direction to the acceleration. This produces a potential energy, due to the ‘nuclear reaction’ we know as ‘Weight due to Acceleration’, in a very similar manner to ‘Weight due to Gravity’.

Basic Principle of Time Dilation.
Electrons tend to orbit about the nucleus at a constant ‘Orbital Velocity’ (not to be confused with Orbital Frequency).
Because a greater distance must be covered as the ‘Orbital Distance’, it will take longer for the electrons in the ‘faster accelerated mass’ to orbit the nucleus than in the ‘slower accelerated mass’. 
This affects (slows down) the Electron Orbital Frequency (EOF), which in turn governs ‘Time’.
Therefore Time will run slower (be dilated) on the faster accelerated mass than the slower accelerated mass.

Mechanical Watch - Balance Wheel Analogy.
A good mechanical analogy to clarify atomic Time Dilation, is provided by the ‘Timing’ mechanism of a pre-digital, mechanical watch, known as the Hair Spring & Balance Wheel mechanism.
The Balance wheel oscillates in a circular motion, between 180 & 270 degrees, depending on the ‘Time Setting’.
The degree of oscillation is adjusted by lengthening or shortening the length of the Hair Spring.
Like the electron, the balance wheel oscillates at a constant velocity (circular-orbital speed), it will take about 50% longer for the wheel to oscillate through 270-deg than it will through 180-deg. Therefore, the greater the circular-orbital distance travelled, the slower (more dilated) the time.