Tuesday 20 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Global Warming!

Global Warming or Global Expansion?

Global Expansion is a prime example of mainstream science & quantum mechanics ignorance (to ignore & neglect) of the ‘Conservation of Energy’, the first law of thermodynamics, and the misconstruction of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity.
This ‘corruption of the laws of physics’ has also created a great impediment in he search for the holy grail of science: The Unified Theory.
The fallacy of quantum mechanics ‘mathematical fantasy’ has seriously ‘infected’ & influenced main stream science, with disastrous affects we know as Global-Warming.
Global-Unity & Cosmic-Dimension provide clear evidence that Global Warming is due to Bad Science based on Quantic 'mathematical fantasy'.
Everyone has heard of Global Warming, but very few are aware of ‘Global Dimming’, and virtually no one is aware of ‘Global Expansion’.

‘Scientists’ have recently ‘discovered’ a phenomenon known as ‘Global Dimming’, related to Global Warming. Various phenomena have been observed that are apparently inexplicable in terms of ‘modern science’, especially quantum mechanics, but then this is nothing new.
Water appears to be evaporating at a decreasing rate when exposed to sunlight and atmospheric heat.

NASA has reported that the Earth has apparently slowing down fractionally, by 0.002 sec per day in its daily rotation, caused by the tidal drag-friction of the Moon.
This means that the standard day is longer, by 0.002 seconds.
Also the Moon is apparently moving away from Earth at about 3.8 cm per year or 3.8 meters every 100 years.
In reality, none of these phenomena are actually happening. However, what has happened, due to Global Warming, is that all of the ‘Basic Standard Measurements’ such as Length, Temperature, Pressure and Time, the entire Planet Earth, have all increased uniformly.
In plain English, everything has expanded by the same amount.
As demonstrated in the illustration, the increase is accumulative, the greater the distance, temperature etc, the greater the actual increase. 
Ref: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: All Motion (Energy) is Relative, ie. Related to each other. Since Earth exists in its own ‘Space-Time Continuum’, these global changes will only become evident when related-compared to extra-terrestrial objects (a separate 'Space Time Continuum') such as the Moon & the Sun.
This implies that the temperatures involved in Global Warming are actually far greater than previously estimated.  

Alarming Energyhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4171591.stm
But perhaps the most alarming aspect of global dimming is that it may have led scientists to underestimate the true power of the greenhouse effect.
They know how much extra energy is being trapped in the Earth's atmosphere by the extra carbon dioxide we have placed there.
What has been surprising is that this extra energy has so far resulted in a temperature rise of just 0.6 degree Celsius.
This has led many scientists to conclude that the present-day climate is less sensitive to the effects of carbon dioxide than it was, say, during the ice age, when a similar rise in CO2 led to a temperature rise of six degrees Celsius.

Waste Heat is the Real Cause of Global Warming. You can’t just dump Billions of  ‘Calorific-Tons’ of Waste Heat into the Biosphere without some very serious consequences.

After 20 years of scientific study and discussion (more hot air & wasted heat) scientists still can’t decide whether Global Warming is a real or the imaginings and propaganda of a bunch of ‘ageing hippies and lefty flower power people’.
It has recently come to the notice of some scientists that are taking Global Warming as a serious threat, that there appears to be a ‘Missing’ Heat or ‘Thermal Energy’ factor in the Global Warming Equation, known as ‘Global Dimming’. 
I have been ‘banging on’ for the past 10 years about the fact that Global Warming’ is not created only by ‘Carbon Emissions’ and pollutants from fossil fuel. There is a much more obvious and far more relevant issue of ‘Waste Heat’ or ‘Residual Thermal Energy’ (RTE), to give it a proper scientific title.
Every machine and system created by mankind, that converts any form of fossil fuel, be it, Oil, Coal, Petrol, Diesel, Gas or Paraffin (Aviation Fuel) wastes about 60% to 80% of the fuels energy as Waste Heat (RTE). The Infernal Combustion Engine dumps about 70% of the ‘fuel energy’ into the atmosphere through its exhaust and radiator cooling system.
Literally all domestic heating and Hot water systems, such as bath and kitchen water, washing machines, heaters and cookers, dump 100% of the heat-energy back into the environment, down the drain or directly into the atmosphere.
Food: Even the food we eat, is converted to about 50% as waste heat, which we ‘exude’ back into the atmosphere.
This Residual Thermal Energy doesn’t just disappear into the Atmosphere or environment, as assumed by many ‘Quantic’ mathematicians & ‘government scientists’.
The Laws of Conservation enshrined in the ‘Conservation of Energy; the ‘First Law of Thermodynamics’, is still the basis of modern physics and the means to properly understand and explain Global Warming, despite quantum mechanics denial, nonsense and mathematical fantasy. 
The RTE produced by man’s misunderstanding of Energy, is absorbed into the global environment and converted into other forms of energy, which have culminated into the effect we know as Global Warming, and what 'we don't know' as 'Global Expansion'.

Black Body Light & Planck’s Constant: ‘Black Body Light’ was an early theory that the Earth radiated heat into space as part of the Planet’s temperature regulation. As every school child knows, (or they did back in the 1950s & 60s, but now seems to have been forgotten or ignored by even the most 'Senior Scientists') heat cannot be transferred through a vacuum, ‘Space’ for instance.
The ‘theory’ that CO2 traps heat on Earth, adding to Global Warming, is therefore a fallacy perpetrated by ‘Bad Science’, especially that of quantum mechanics.
Once again ‘bad science’, particularly, quantum mechanics, has led mankind up the garden path of mathematical fantasy, whilst the situation gets worse, as ‘Scientists & Politicians Fiddle while Earth literally 'burns'.

Missing Heat, Where has it Gone?The ‘Biosphere’ of the Earth, the Earth’s Crust and Atmosphere, in terms of physics, is fluid homogenous mass. The Biosphere ‘Swirls’ around, continually mixing together and exchanging and changing Energy into many different forms. Even the Earths Crust is fluid, which is demonstrated as tectonic continental drift, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Missing Heat Energy:When a ‘mass’ (a solid, fluid or gas) is heated, it expands. This is due to the reaction of all the atoms that make up the mass, in which the electrons orbiting around the nucleus, move outwards when ‘heated’ (Ref: New Relativity).

Every material has a different ‘Coefficient of Linear Expansion’ (CLE), basically Iron has a higher CLE than wood or plastic, therefore Iron or Steel will expand more than plastic, given the same temperature increase, but all at a standard uniform amount.
Sir Isaac Newton, and many other earlier scientists, established a set of physical principles, measurements and standards by which later scientists were able to better understand ‘Thermal Energy’, the Global Environment and to explain it to the rest of mankind.
With this understanding came the assumption that science can also control the weather, nature and the environment. Science, partly due to ' too much Quantic Mathematical Fantasy’, has become complacent in its respect and understanding of Nature and the Environment, as the recent and increasing ‘natural disasters’ have demonstrated.
There are 4 basic principles or ‘standard measurements’ by which we can explain and understand what is happening in Earth’s Biosphere and environment.

These are basically:
generally measured in meters & centimeters (cm) or feet (ft) and inches (ins).
Increase or decrease in Thermal Energy, usually measured as Degrees of Centigrade or Fahrenheit.
Atmospheric Pressure
usually measured in ‘Bars’, Atmospheres (atm), Newton; grams per square cm (N) or Pounds per square inch (psi).
 the time it takes for physical phenomena to happen, usually measured in Seconds (sec).

4,000,000 years worth of Primordial Sunlight – Energy:Over these same hundreds of years, but far more so over the past 50 years, mankind has dumped an estimated 4,000,000 years worth of Thermal Energy back into the Biosphere, which arrived on Earth as Sun-Light in primordial times, when the ‘fossil fuel beds’; Coal and Oil Fields, were originally ‘laid down’. 
The Biosphere surrounding the Earth has gradually expanded due to the absorption of a sizable proportion of this 4,000,000 years worth of Thermal Energy.
Global Dimming: also ‘Dilates Time’The expansion is uniform and proportional, which also increases the basic or fundamental measuring standards of Distance, Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure & Time. Without some form of external (to the Earth’s Biosphere) measurement standards to use as a comparison, scientists and engineers would not be aware of this gradual change in the fundamental-basic measurement standards. (Ref: Diagram)
Notes & Food for Thought!The Earth’s ‘Thermal Expansion’ is similar in principle to Einstein’s Theories of Relativity. (Ref: Cosmic Dimension Poster & Chapter: New Relativity)
Electronic-Atomic expansion similar to Time Dilation due to acceleration manifest in a Caesium Clock: Ref: New Theory of Relativity.
Modern Science has gone down the Quantic-Alice in Wonderland ‘Garden Path or Rabbit Hole’ of mathematical fantasy and has forgotten and denies the Classical Laws of Physics as laid down by Newton. Applicable now, as they were 400 years ago, especially in Global Warming.
Newton’s First Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In modern terms; you only get out, what you put in.
Conservation of Energy: the first law of Thermo Dynamics.
There is a great misconception among scientists and the global public regarding Global warming.
GW is not directly caused by CO2 and the destruction of the Ozone layer, although this is a major factor.
Most GW is caused by excessive waste of Thermal Energy or Heat. Vehicle Engines ICE (Infernal Combustion Engine), Industrial Energy processes, cookers, washing machines, virtually everything mankind uses in our everyday life produces 50% to 100% waste heat. 

Geological Expansion: The Bottom Line!

As the Earth's crust absorbs more heat, it expands.
This increases the tectonic activity, increasing incidents of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis and Mega-Storms, as has become very apparent in many recent Global Disasters.

Principle of the Pressure Cooker.
Earth has become a Pressure Cooker. We are living in a Pressure Cooker!

Ice will melt at a lower temperature,
 although it still ‘appears’ to be 0 degrees C.Water boils at a higher temperature, although it still ‘appears’ to be 100 degrees C.Measuring Instruments, including electronic instruments have expanded by the same rate, therefore giving the same false readings.

What are we going to do about it?
What can we do about it?