Monday, 19 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

List of Assassinated US Political Figures

According to,

Political assassinations have been happening in the United States almost since the country was born. Including the Jan. 8 assassination of U.S. Federal Judge John Roll during a political event held at a Tucson, Ariz. – during which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was critically injured – 34 U.S. public officials in total have been assassinated since the country's inception. Here is the list:

Assassinated American Politicians

Solomon P. Sharp (1825) – Kentucky Attorney General, Kentucky State Senator-elect; 
Charles Bent (1847) – Governor of New Mexico Territory;
James Strang (1856) – Michigan State Representative ;
Abraham Lincoln (1865) – President of the United States; 

John P. Slough (1867) – Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court;
Thomas C. Hindman (1868) – Ex-congressman from Arkansas;
James M. Hinds (1868) – Congressman from Arkansas;
Edward Dexter Holbrook (1870) – Ex-delegate to the United States House of Representatives from Idaho Territory;
James A. Garfield (1881) – President of the United States;
John M. Clayton (1889) – Congressman-elect from Arkansas;
Carter Harrison Sr. (1893) – Mayor of Chicago;
William Goebel (1900) – Governor of Kentucky;
William McKinley (1901) – President of the United States;
Frank Steunenberg (1905) – Ex-governor of Idaho;
Anton Cermak (1933) – Mayor of Chicago;
Huey Long (1935) – United States Senator from Louisiana;
Albert Patterson (1954) – Alabama Attorney General-elect;
John F. Kennedy (1963) – President of the United States;

George Lincoln Rockwell (1967) – Fringe candidate for Governor of Virginia and founder of the American Nazi Party;
Robert F. Kennedy (1968) – United States Senator and leading presidential candidate from New York (brother of JFK);
Harvey Milk (1978) – San Francisco City Supervisor;
George Moscone (1978) – Mayor of San Francisco;
Leo Ryan (1978) – Congressman from California;
Jr., John H. Wood (1979) – U.S. federal judge;
Allard Lowenstein (1980) – Ex-congressman from New York;
Russell G. Lloyd Sr. (1980) – Ex-mayor  of Evansville, Ind.;
Ed King (1986) – Mayor of Mount Pleasant, Iowa;
Robert Smith Vance (1989) – U.S. federal judge;
Tommy Burks (1998) – Tennessee State Senator;
Derwin Brown (2000) – Sheriff-elect of DeKalb County, Ga.;
James E. Davis (2003) – New York City Councilman;
Bill Gwatney (2008) – Chairman  of Arkansas Democratic Party;
John Thornton (2010) – Mayor of Washington Park, Ill.;
John Roll (2011) – U.S. Federal Judge; 

Attempted Assassinations of United States Presidents 

Andrew Jackson (1835);
Abraham Lincoln (1864);
Theodore Roosevelt (1912);
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933);  
Harry S. Truman (1950);
John F. Kennedy (1960);
Richard Nixon (1974);
Gerald Ford  (Twice in 1975); 

Ronald Reagan (1981);
George H. W. Bush (1993 – thwarted mid-attempt);
Bill Clinton (Twice in 1994, 2006);
George W. Bush (Twice in 2001, 2005, 2008 - 2001 and 2008 attempts foiled mid-attempt);
Barack Obama (2008 – attempt thwarted at plotting stage);

Who is behind all the political assassination (& attempts)? CIA, secret societies or just random people?