Thursday 29 March 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Different Alien Species, Do not Trust the Disclosure Project

The has been recently releasing a lot of material that different governments around the world have been supposedly keeping secret from all of us. Don't get me wrong, I believe that there is a lot we could learn from the governments around the world concerning unidentified flying objects. What I don't like to see is the mass amount of disinformation, or untruthful information that is just spewing out of there mouths on a daily basis. I admit some of the information they release could be true, and it is definitely something to be given some serious thought, but who are the disclosure project? Who funds them? What is there real Agenda? How do they pay for there server, and the endless number of youtube videos that they produce on a daily basis to "inform the public"? I will tell you. The main contributer has been the great Rockefeller Dynasty. Lawrence Rockefeller to be specific. These guys are one of the richest banking families in the world that have believe it or not....Done this before. Have any of you heard of the War of the Worlds broadcast on the radio on October 30th, 1938? This broadcast was done as a special social experiment and was funded by yes guess who the Rockefellers. Lets not forget who they are and what they have done to our belief systems as a whole in the years that they have been in power. They have almost all governments in debt to them. They are also part of the almighty Bilderberg group, that Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and many other US presidents and prime ministers have been a part of for many many years. Now lets talk about some of the alien species that supposedly they know exist in our universe, that they have dealt with in the past.....Are you ready for this? ....

The pleadians, for people that want more information, are not just extra terrestrials. They are a grouping of stars that sailors from the past have used to navigate with, using different instruments of there time. They are a wise race and are way more technologically advanced than we are. Im not making this stuff up people its all part of the "disclosure project".....But wait there is more....

You also have the reptilians, that are a race of alien beings that have been here since the beginning of mankind. They supposedly control human beings through the inner workings of our religions, and governments. Through trade of a certain amount of alien abductions approved by our governments, are governments are given a certain knowledge or maybe alien technology so that we may also further advance our civilization....I am not saying i believe this people I am just a free thinker. The Sumerians, Phoenicians, and the Babylonians, were never allowed to depict the reptilians in there true forms, however, on the other side of the world, where the Mayans, the Toltecs, and the Incas resided, they were allowed to depict them in there true form. I find this rather strange to me and interesting at the same time. Did the reptilians some how know that the Vatican would later deem the Indians as savages and have all there ancient scrolls destroyed that had vast knowledge of our solar system, and yearly cycles etc. etc......Who knows....but evidently the disclosure project does....

Then you have the light beings, which I have to say, is my favorite of the bunch lol. They are all powerful all wise, and the most oldest and technologically advanced extra terrestrial if you will in our universe. They are all powerful and have the power to wipe out whole armies with just a hand gesture. They have intervened with the history of humanity on a number of occasions when they deem it to be necessary on there own accord of course. For the most part though they are the watchers of the solar system, and they only intervene when they have to. Could this be were angels come from in our Bible, or in other ancient texts....For example the burning bush? Lets continue...

Last but not least we have the tall they are called by the disclosure project. Not to be confused with light beings these evil big guys, like to abduct people, and implant them with some type of alien chip etc etc.....Kind of scary stuff, but like i said a lot of this information is from the disclosure project. I am not one to advocate the spreading of lies, but after learning what funds the disclosure project it makes me highly skeptical of what they have to say.