Thursday, 16 February 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

"...Sugar... Sugar... Sugar...": One of the greatest killers today!

Sugar is one of the greatest killers in our world today, alongside HIV-aids and stress related illnesses. Sugar is the core manifestor of hyperglycaemia and of diabetes in our world. Eighty-five percent of the people who have diabetes and who suffer from hyperglycaemia and who have become insulin resistant is because of sugar, especially when taken in, in the amounts that many do, and this applies to all world-wide. This means that all of us seriously need to look at our diet.

Carbohydrates also need to be minimized in our intake,as carbohydrates are transformed into sugar and taking in too much carbohydrates (unless you are an athlete or partake in vigorous activity DAILY) your body also has tremendous difficulty processing it and will store it as fat. Depression, headaches, colitis, constipation, eczema, diabetes, hyperglycaemia, mood swings, heart burn, unsatisfied hunger and cravings especially for sugar are all manifestations of too much sugar. The body has not been designed to deal with the amounts of sugar that the majority put into their diet. 

From childhood we are constantly encouraged to consume sugar and often rewarded with sweets.

Of the multiple millions suffering from various diseases today, hardly any are offered nutritional advice beyond being told to simply improve their diet. Sugar is a major cause of disruption in the body’s alkaline/acid balance. The pH/digestion/elimination axis is so basic to human health that many nutrition experts pass it right, while endlessly complicating and confusing things.
If the condition of our cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, we become tired, prone to catching colds, and other maladies. The more our body fluids become acidic, the more pain and suffering will manifest. Excess acidity causes cells to become starved of oxygen, causing some to die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. Other cells simply mutate and are called malignant cells, growing indefinitely and without order. This eventually is disease.
Again, sugar is a major player in this process and has been shown through research to:
- block the absorption of calcium;
- produce a low oxygen environment;
- be extremely acidic (dead organisms become acidic, while alive ones must be highly alkaline);
- suppress immune system ability to manufacture killer cells & antibodies;
- deplete B vitamins needed by the liver to detoxify it;
Sugar intake is killing us, and quickly. Our daily consumption hovers around 30-40 teaspoons daily. Just one cola will give you about twenty teaspoons and a huge dose of unwanted acidity which takes about 32 glasses of water to neutralize it.
Thinking of changing to a substitute such as NutraSweet? Think again! It’s roughly 10% wood alcohol — metabolizing into various carcinogens within your body! Other complaints include headaches, dizziness, mood changes, numbness, vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps and spasms, abdominal pain, vision problems, skin lesions, memory loss and seizures. Is it worth the pleasure of the moment?
Use of sugar constitutes use of poison – sweet and simple (pardon the pun). Just like arsenic in small amounts, it depletes life bit by bit, strengthening the environment diseases need to grow. Don’t give your enemy (sugar) the chance to win the battle. Go on the offensive and simply avoid it.