Today I want to present you another chapter of our Forbidden History:
'The true age of the human specie'. Please relax and enjoy!
I. Have We Really Evolved from Primates?
II. How Old is The Human Specie?
1. The official story states that humans evolved in time from primates and made two sudden evolutionary leaps: the first about 450,000 years ago and the second one about 200,000 years ago, becoming Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Latin for 'wise man' or 'knowing man'), the modern human.
But there are a lot of issues regarding this theory and geneticists from all over the planet argue that evolution doesn't work this way. For such major changes to occur, evolution needs at least hundreds of millions of years - most probably billions of years, while the official version is trying to convince us that we basically evolved 'over night'.
One of the most 'vocal' critics of this theory is author and researcher Lloyd Pye, who wrote the famous nonfictional book 'Everything you know is Wrong'.
2. No matter if humans evolved from apes or not, the evolutionary process needed billions of years - no doubts about it! But are we really so similar to apes?
Well, humans are similar to apes, but also very similar to dolphins (and other animals). In fact, we are so similar to dolphins that a new theory emerged, stating that chimps and dolphins had a common ancestor about 5 million years ago.
But for me, this is just another theory that I don't agree with and you will see why in the following chapter.
II. How Old is The Human Specie?
The oldest Official human footprints are 1,5 millions years old!
This discovery proves that humans with modern anatomy walked on two legs about 1,5 million years ago.
'About 1.5 million years ago, human ancestors walked upright with a spring in their steps just as modern humans do today, suggests an analysis of ancient footprints found in northern Kenya.
The ancient footprints indicate a rounded heel, pronounced arch, and a big toe parallel to the other toes just as modern humans have, Harris noted. The big toes of chimpanzees, by contrast, splay outward, which is useful for grasping branches.
"We've lost that, but what we've created is a platform from which we can step up on and balance ourselves on and push off on in bipedal locomotion," said Harris, who is a co-author of a paper describing the footprints in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science."
Unfortunately for us, the official story places back then a specie called Homo Erectus, the first humans ever to stand on two legs.
Ok, so this is how far back the official story is able to go. Every footprint or bone older than 1,5 - 1,7 million years, having the characteristics of a modern human, cannot be accepted officially because we should have been some kind of apes back then.
Evidence of Modern Humans Older than the 'Official 1,7 Million Years Old Threshold'
1. The 3 to 4 Million Years Old 'Castenedolo Skull' of Italy
"This anatomically modern human skull (Sergi 1884, plate 1) was found in 1880 at Castenedolo, Italy. The stratum from which it was taken is assigned to the Astian stage of the Pliocene (Oakley 1980, p. 46). According to modern authorities (Harland et al, 1982, p. 110), the Astian belongs to the Middle Pliocene, wihch would give the skull an age of 3-4 million years."
2. The 145 - 195 Million Years Old Footprints of Turkmenistan - Jurassic Period
"Reports of human footprints alongside dinosaur footprints found in Turkmenistan are made in Russian papers in the early 1980s. Because Turkmenistan was part of the Soviet Union at the time the reports were controlled by the government. Once Turkmenistan became an independent nation Turkmenistan scientists began researching the prints.
The Jurassic period was approximately 195 to 145 million years ago. Obviously, there should be neither goat or human tracks from this period.
3. The 205 - 250 Million Years Old Human Shoe Print of Nevada - Triassic Period
"An amateur geologist discovered a fossilized imprint of a shoe complete with thread marks and broken heel in Fisher Canyon, Pershing County, Nevada.
'Some time ago, while he was prospecting for fossils in Nevada, John T. Reid, a distinguished mining engineer and geologist, stopped suddenly and looked down in utter bewilderment and amazement at a rock near his feet. For there, a part of the rock itself, was what seemed to be a human footprint! Closer inspection showed that it was not a mark of a naked foot, but was, apparently, a shoe sole which had been turned into stone.
The forepart was missing. But there was the outline of at least two-thirds of it, and around this outline ran a well-defined sewn thread which had, it appeared, attached the welt to the sole. Further on was another line of sewing, and in the center, where the foot would have rested had the object really been a shoe sole, there was an indentation, exactly such as would have been made by the bone of the heel rubbing upon and wearing down the material of which the sole had been made. Thus was found a fossil which is the foremost mystery of science today. For the rock in which it was found is at least 5 million years old.'
The print was inspected by geologists and admitted that the print is authentic and the rock is from the Triasic Period (205 - 250 million years ago). The threads of the print have been examined under a microscope and the twisted threads are visible."
We have evidence, once again, that man existed more than 200 million years ago.
4. The Human & Dinosaur Footprints of Texas
"In our other section "Dinosaurs", we presented the interesting evidence that primitive man correctly knew what dinosaurs looked like (cave paintings) and even their behavior. Combine with the below information regarding some dinosaur and human footprints that were found together and it certainly casts doubt on the official scientific theory that man and dinosaur did not ever coexist.
Glen Rose, TX
On the banks of the Paluxy River, in Glen Rose TX, a flood exposed rock with thousands of footprints- both dinosaur and human together, aside, and overlapping.
The following texts and pics are courtesy of the University of Vienna, on the Paluxy River (in Glen Rose, Texas) footprints:
Many human footprints were also found. Sometimes the human tracks were next to the dinosaur tracks. Several human footprints were found inside of the dinosaur footprints and some dinosaur footprints were found on top of the human footprints. The human strides were perfect.
5. The 280 Million Years Old Human 'Coal Skull'
One of the most recent, and best validated, case was that of Mr. Ed Conrad's skull in coal. In 1981, Mr. Ed Conrad of Shenandoah, discovered a large object between anthracite veins, which bore a dramatic resemblance to a large anthropoid skull. He arranged a meeting with the Smithsonian during which their specialist merely looked at it, and without any scientific testing at all, declared it a "concretion"- despite the fact that the the only authoritative manner of determining whether an object is bone is by examining its cellular structure.
Later, Mr. Conrad dug into the skull, and found a sizeable cavity inside the "jaw". After that portion was broken off, he discovered that the interior contained a pair of hardened inclusions on what resembled a dental arch. Mr. Conrad took a photo and forwarded it to Wilton Krogman, author of "The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine" and one of the world's foremost human comparative anatomists. Krogman excitedly identified it as a premolar tooth, explaining that he could easily see that it possesses a pair of cusps.
Further, on this and another specimen he found, he removed some granules from the rind of the object. Why? Bone contains minuscule Haversian canals and their presence is the conclusive evidence of bone, even if the bone had petrified. This scientific fact appears in the book, "Science in Archaeology," which states that neither age nor the petrification process can remove what are known as Haversian canals, an integral part of the cell structure of bone.
Since the Haversian canals are actually passageways for nutrients to living bone, even the process of petrification cannot displace them because, as tiny tunnels, there was nothing there to begin with. Not surprisingly, Mr. Conrad's microscopic examination revealed the presence of "pinholes" in the thinnest pieces, virtually identical to cadaver bone at the same low magnification.
Mr. Conrad then had the infrared scan interpreted by a surgeon/medical doctor in Northeastern Pennsylvania, who determined that "The scan identifies your material as compatible with either tooth or bone in origin".
Per Mr. Conrad, further testing has been performed:
1. American Medical Laboratories in Chantilly, Va., (considered the world's foremost medical lab), performed testing using Calculus Analysis by Crystallography and identified dried blood, protein and/or crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate.
2. Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., (considered the world's foremost facility for primate research), had what an official described as its most knowledgeable expert perform testing on one of my specimens. Dr. Jeremy Dahl identified the specimen as "fossilized bone."
As if this wasn't enough, a comprehensive analysis was conducted by a Taiwanese scientist Lin Liangtai, who states it is a human skull beyond doubt:
The author has examined through microscopes more than 30 thin sections cut from “rocks” that Mr. Ed Conrad discovered and sent to the author. Without exception, they are all found to be fossils, including the subject “calvarium fossil”. The object is a Carboniferous human calvarium fossil for the following reasons:
(1) its computed-tomography images bear close resemlance to those of a calvarium;
(2) it contains fossilized osteocytes, Haversian canals, osteons, red blood cells and various blood vessels in the specimens and thin sections;
(3) it contains remains of neurons and neuroglial cells that exist only in the central nervous system;
(4) No other animal has an organ or body part that matches its inner/outer shape and size;
(5) Its inner cavity has a capacity of at least 1,025 cc.;
(6) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy, (City). Pennsylvania, where geological structure has been dated to be around 300 million years old. Some of the fossil’s blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once existed in a coal region.
In addition to the subject fossil, there are at least two other pieces of evidence for human existence in the Carboniferous age.
The evidence is overwhelming and conclusive - the object found is a human skull - one from approximately 280 million years ago (130 million years before the first birds appeared on Earth)."
6. The 260 - 600 million years old Human Shoe Print of Utah - Before Animals Existed
Before presenting you the article, I want to remind you that 600 million years ago, only 'simple animals' existed and only 50 million years later, more complex animals emerged.
William J. Meister, an American who was an avid amateur fossil collector, made an astounding find on June 1, 1968. In Antelope Springs, about 43 miles northwest of Delta, Utah, in a fossil rich site, Meister found a large piece of rock with a human footprint. The footprint however, appears to be made by a sandal. The sandal measured 10 inches (or approximately 26 cm) in length, with the sole showing a width of 3 inches (or 8.9 cm) and the heel a width of 3 inches (or 7.6 cm). The heel appeared to be approximately 1/8 of an inch thick (or 1.7 cm). Amazingly, he also found trilobites right in the footprint.
Comparing this find with today's footwear we can conceptualize a certain degree of sophistication in a civilization that may have existed as long as 600 million years ago.
The true implications of this finding are definitely hard to comprehend. Shouldn't modern historians subsequently reconsider modern day's theory of evolution? Don't such findings suggest an alternative path of human development?"
Personally, I have no doubt that the human specie is very-very old on Earth. This article brings evidence that humans were here long before dinosaurs (at least 30 - 400 million years before, according to the final chapter), long before any animals or birds existed. The humans had later co-existed with them all.
I also have no doubt that extraterrestrial species interfered in our evolution. All major ancient civilizations tell stories of aliens who came to Earth and taught them everything they knew...and they knew a lot (they were better than we are today in: astronomy and constructions and at least as good as we are in tens of other domains).
The Sumerians, Babylonians, Mayas, Incas, American Indians, Asian Indians, African tribes, Egyptians, the first Chinese & Japanese, etc., ALL have written or spoken 'legends' regarding extraterrestrials and their intervention in our evolution.
Even though these civilizations were so far away -in both time and space- one from another, their 'creation stories' are strikingly similar. Our true history, that is not being taught in schools, speaks of extraterrestrials coming down to Earth and genetically upgrading us to a better race, in order to serve their purposes. Most legends also state that the humans were not allowed to depict their so called 'creators' in their TRUE FORM. Those braking this rule were to be killed. So, our genetically modified ancestors depicted the aliens in clearly non-human shape.
We were able to find out of their true appearance from the spoken legends, and especially from the written texts and small sculptures that escaped from the vigilance of our colonizers.
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Example of sculptures depicting the ET colonizers |
Even though the stories are very hard to believe the first time one hears them, I can guarantee their accuracy after years of thorough documentation regarding our true history. Actually, my entire blog revolves around the 'Human History' section, where I am trying to uncover the truth about our origins.
The Mayas and Incas, for example, tell the story of a 'god' (most probably common) who came to Earth in a ship from the Pleiades, taught them great knowledge and then went back to the stars. This ET had both human and 'serpent' (reptilian specie) shape.
The Egyptians tell the story of Ra's coming from the Pleiades and even have numerous depictions showing Ra landing with an UFO on the back of the Sphinx, then entering beneath it in his underground base / city. Please notice that all Egyptian pharaohs are depicted in both human and non-human form. When they are shown in the human form they are depicted with a serpent coming out from their third eye (middle of the forehead). This attested their ET origins (serpent/reptilian?).
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Fragment from an Egyptian papyrus depicting Ra's arrival on Earth, in a well-known flying disc (UFO) |
The Chinese and Japanese ancient cultures told the stories of extraterrestrial 'dragon race' that came from the stars and gave birth to alien-human hybrids. After the 'gods' / ETs left Earth, their sons (the hybrids) asked for their right to be leaders (king/queens) do their alien origins.
But the most interesting evidence of extraterrestrial interference in our evolution comes from the Sumerian tablets, stored in UK and translated by some very dedicated historians.
Both the Sumerians and the Babylonians tell the story of extraterrestrials coming to Earth in search of a metal they greatly needed on their home planets: gold.
The aliens established bases in the richest areas in gold and GENETICALLY MODIFIED humans to fit their purposes.
Where humans genetically upgraded by the visitors?
The Sumerians and Babylonians left us their entire history written on clay tablets. The Sumerians where the first modern humans that our official history recalls. But you will be amazed to know how well organised they were and how vast knowledge they had.
They had a very complex alphabet (more complex than ours), they also knew mathematics and astronomy (they knew back then how many planets we have in our solar system, their colors, shapes and sizes). They were organized in huge cities under the rule of the extraterrestrial beings. The ETs were both their masters and their teachers. The aliens told the Sumerians the story of their arrival on Earth about 450,000 BC.
And now, here is the GREATEST SCAM in our history!
The aliens told the humans the story of our Creation, presenting themselves as our creators. In their own words, they combined their DNA with the DNA from an ape, making the human specie as we see it today. In their stories we were inferior beings and thanks to their genetic modifications we become an 'upgraded' specie.
What a LIE! What a Great Deception!
The extraterrestrials interfered in our evolution, but instead of upgrading us, they DOWNGRADED us to a lesser specie. The latest breakthroughs in modern genetics state that the human specie had 12 strands of DNA which had been cut and blocked from redeveloping, at some point in our evolution.
They reptilian extraterrestrials 'gave' us a portion of THEIR brain, further altering our DNA. That portion of the brain is known by the modern medicine as the 'reptilian brain', because is very similar to the brain found in all reptiles. The reptilian brain is the source of all negativity: fear, hatred, revenge, etc.
Also, recent studies suggest that the DNA strands act like antennas, connecting our energetic bodies to the Universe (Creation). Redeveloping our lost DNA strands, will grant us access to our past life memories. We will remember who we truly are and our connection to each other and to the Source will become powerful once again!
The following years will reveal us more and more information regarding our true history and the origins of mankind.