Thursday 19 July 2012 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Madonna The Original Whore of Babylon And Kabbalistic Magician

Many people have spoke of Katy Perry, Rihanna, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Nas, and Lady Gaga all being involved in some type of secret mystery school, or "Illuminati". They all use strange symbolism in all of their videos and have very strange lyrics in their songs. Most of these artists have a secret agenda and are giving clues to who their handlers truly are and what their agenda truly is provided you know what to look for and have an open mind. However, one person that isn't mentioned often anymore is Madonna. Last year's Super Bowl Half-Time concert was riddled with strange Egyptian symbolism that depicted Madonna as the Egyptian goddess Isis. If anyone is to be considered the "Whore of Babylon" in this day and age it should be Madonna. The Guinness Book of World Records has deemed her the most successful female musician of all time, selling more records than any female artist. Many of the people mentioned above are quick to mention Madonna at the first chance they get saying that they are inspired by her in one way or the other. I find this really strange.

Madonna was one of the first people to push the envelope and bash any mainstream religion at the first chance she got. Sure her songs were catchy, but that is the purpose of these songs. To lay a subliminal connection in your mind that triggers at some point in your life. What are her true intentions? She has already mentioned publically that she practices in Kabbalistic Mysticism or ancient magic. The same ancient magic that the Templars stumbled upon that helped to create the foundations for freemasonry. She has denounced all organized religions. The only book she follows is the kabbalah. Those are her words, not mine. Madonna was working for the elite secret government before any of the artists mentioned above were. She has one-eyed symbolism on almost all of her album covers going all the way back to the 1980s. 

Here you see her speaking with Kurt Loder of MTV news basically promoting Kabbalah. There is no reason to believe that she is not involved in ancient mystery schools that have existed since the times of ancient Egypt. What is her interest in this? I wonder how high she is in the Masonic ladder? I know that women cannot be involved in the Freemasons, however there are certain divisions such as the "rainbow girls". She even admits that Paris Hilton is involved in this secret mysticism. There are so many connections to the elite it's scary. This is just what she was admitting then. Who knows how deep the rabbit hole really goes. You won't hear her talking about this now. Too many people are figuring all this stuff out. Many people have heard of backmasking. The way in which most mainstream music is created nowadays that has a lasting impact on young children and fragile minds. It is the way in which music is created, so that when it is reversed a message can clearly be heard. This message unknown by the listener, transmits to their subconscious so that it can implant messages, and ideas into their brains without them knowing. It is a very scary subject. You can look on youtube about different reverse speech examples, and backmasking that has occured in everything from The Eagles, The Beatles, to Lady Gaga. Madonna was not the first to use this technique, however she was the first successful female artist to use these techniques on a successful global scale. Here is a video that I recommend everyone watch that displays many of the things I have already mentioned. Let me know what you think in the comments.