Friday 20 November 2015 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

I have a past but i don't live there anymore

....I leave everything after experience of dead....

"I wasn't home free."
"No, but you certainly weren't worried about your friends."
"I feel bad about that,"

"No you don't. "
"You're right, I don't. "
"You woke up with the sun. A new man in a new world. All your worried and problems left behind."

Note: Sleep was difficult. I watched television until eight-thirty, saw nothing about my death, then showered, changed into fresh clothes.

Tuesday 17 November 2015 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?

When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment.

Love, liberty, and time, once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing.

Note: Take Care of yourselves and each other.

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