Tuesday 9 April 2013 | By: Amandine Ronny Montegerai

The 256 Year Old Chinese Herbalist, Holistic Medicine, and 15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases

According to the official records, herbalist Li Ching-Yuen was born in China in 1677 (although he himself claimed that he was born in 1736). Throughout his long life, he constantly practiced herbalism and martial arts. In 1930, the New York Times newspaper printed an article in which they published official Chinese government documents that were uncovered. 

These documents, dating back to 1827, contained official congratulations on Li Ching-Yuen's 150th birthday. Later documents, dating back to 1877, contained official congratulations on his 200th birthday.

How did he do that?

Li Ching-Yuen expressed his longevity formula in one sentence: "Retain a calm heart, sit like a turtle, walk swiftly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog".

Let's add a few more interesting historical facts to this story. Chinese army general Yang Sen invited Li to visit him, and offered him an opportunity to teach Chinese soldiers martial arts. The general could not believe how youthful his guest was, even though he had reached an age of 250 years old.

Li Ching-Yuen died on the 6th of May in 1933. He told his friends: 

"I have done all I have to do in this world. I will now go home."

After Li's death, General Yang Sen investigated the truth about his claimed background and age and wrote a report about his findings that was later published.

It is possible to find other interesting stories about Western health prodigies and Eastern Yogis who lived for over 100 years. Not only did they survive for this long, they also thrived—youthful, active, and full of enthusiasm. What could we learn from them?

Holistic medicine is all that we need

These days, even modern medicine agrees: 70% of all illnesses materialise because of negative thoughts or emotional stress. Illnesses attributed to this cause are called “psychosomatic,” and they are the biggest headache of the whole mainstream healthcare system.

Sometimes several days of elevated stress is all that is needed to open up a gastric ulcer. Sometimes several years of it is all it takes to develop diabetes or heart disease, not to mention poor general health, lowered productivity, and lack of happiness. Doctors and scientists unanimously agree that our thoughts directly affect the activity of our organs and the state of our bodies in general. 

Ancient medicine is classified as holistic, because it takes care not only of the physical body, but also of the psyche, as well as one's personal lifestyle. This method allows one to remove the cause of the illness, rather than merely treating the symptoms, therefore stopping it from reappearing. Modern medicine, on the other hand, deals with the consequences of the illness—bodily ailments. This is why the illness often comes back, since the cause of the illness is not actually being treated.

This is where one of the biggest secrets to health reveals itself—our thoughts can heal us. There are multiple recorded stories that discuss people who were severely ill and healed themselves with the power of thought, despite doctors losing all hope. One of such impressive story tells us about Morris Goodman, who, in 1981, was involved in a plane crash and was supposed to die due to irreversible spine damage and a punctured diaphragm. 

The man's life was supported by a breathing ventilator, and the only movement he could do was blinking. However, this man was aware of the power of thought, and in just a few days successfully regenerated his own diaphragm and could breathe independently. He also consciously regenerated his damaged spinal cord and started to move all of his limbs. Doctors could not understand the situation at all because this just “could not be happening.” 

After a few months, however, Morris Goodman began to walk again, and eventually fully recovered. This is only one of many cases that are happening all around us. Thoughts cannot only make the body ill, but can also help it recover from incurable diseases.

Causes of hard to cure diseases from a different angle
The ancient ayurvedic health sciences not only prove the existence of psychosomatic illnesses, but also present a list of specific illnesses caused by specific character traits. What else could the thoughts be dependent on if not on the character?

Here are a few examples that could explain the causes of disease you or your loved ones may be suffering from:

1. Jealousy - causes oncological diseases, weakens the immune system.

2. Vengefulness - causes insomnia and throat diseases.

3. Inability to find a solution to a situation - causes lung diseases.

4. Lacking moral principals - causes chronic diseases, infections, and skin diseases.

5. Being too categorical or unwavering in beliefs - causes diabetes, migraines, and inflammations.

6. Lying - causes alcoholism, fungal infections, and weakens the immune system.

7. Aggressiveness - causes gastric ulcers, acid reflux, and warts.

8. Reticence - causes schizophrenia and kidney diseases.

9. Cruelty - causes epilepsy, asthma, and anemia.

10. Seeking conflicts - causes thyroid enlargement.

11. Apathy - causes diabetes.

12. Inconsistency or being fickle - causes infertility.

13. Being rude or insulting - causes diabetes and heart diseases.

14. Anxiety - causes digestive system disorders, heart, and skin diseases.

15. Greed - causes oncological diseases, obesity, and heart diseases.

An interesting fact is that it is enough to cure your character, and the relevant diseases go away permanently. This is especially important to know for those who suffer from diseases such as diabetes and cancer, for which modern medicine does not have a cure.

Three ways to live healthfully and truly feel good

It will involve working on yourself—however, this investment will pay off greatly in the long run. Here are three methods, tested throughout three millenniums:

1. Start monitoring your thoughts. Spend five minutes every evening writing down how you felt that day. Remember the situations you encountered and emotions you felt. What negative character traits does that uncover? What do you plan to do tomorrow to start improving yourself and to change those particular character traits? It is very important to write everything down.

2. Think more about things that make you happy. This is the miracle of positive thinking. When you concentrate on the things that you like, it's as if you move to a different frequency of vibrations, and the body starts to heal itself. Even better, there will be a greater number of good things in your life, because everything you think about becomes reality, including the problems that bother you. Concentrate on things you enjoy and watch how everything begins to change.

3. Start meditating. During meditation, the body and mind rest and heal themselves. You can read more about meditation in the article “How To Own A New Ferrari And Be As Smart As Einstein, Just By Calmly Sitting On Your Couch”.

Illness is simply our body's signal about an incorrect (or, rather, non-beneficial) lifestyle. Firstly it manifests as anxiety, fear, and negative thoughts. Only then, if no effort is made to work on oneself, the body sends a more powerful signal to get your attention and make you think about what you are doing wrong, in the form of physical symptoms.

RFID Chip Implantation

Eight sheeple payed $30 each, to have a RFID chip (model EM4012) implanted into their right hands. As you probably know by now, the end goal of the New World Order is to implant microchips in all of the Earth's population, hence having total control over our lives. The microchip will be used as ID, credit card (under one global electronic currency), GPS tracker, and probably much more.

The Forbidden History Of Our Planet -- Evidence and Insights

I. Michael Cremo about the true age of the human species;
II. Personal insight;

I. The following is a 1994 documentary, composed of a series of interviews with author Michael Cremo. He speaks of hundreds of professionally documented cases supporting the theory that the modern human species is, in fact, hundreds of millions of years old, and the main stream scientific community is putting up a fierce fight to bury the truth.

II. Personally, I am a strong supporter of this theory. It is the only one that makes sense after adding up all the evidence. An advanced human species existed on Earth for at least hundreds of millions of years.

It predated the dinosaurs, co-existed with them, and finally outlasted them. 
The human species probably barely survived the great extinction, but it somehow did. Our ancestors might have used advanced knowledge and technology to survive, or maybe it was pure luck, but the human species did not went extinct almost 66 millions years ago.

I also believe that humans were very technologically advanced millions of years ago and this is the exact reason why we don't find evidence of ancient "heavy industry". A paradox? Not at all.

When we say "advanced ancient technology", we instinctively think of vast modern cities, similar to ours, and signs of a heavy industrialized species. In my opinion, searching for nuclear power plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing factories, suspended highways, etc. is not the correct approach. I strongly believe that we are currently undergoing a destructive phase, and if our species will survive long enough, we will overcome it and completely change our lives for the better.

In my opinion, most of the things we do today are wrong and of negative polarity. Let's take for example our modern apartment and office buildings. These gigantic vertical constructions, where many of us live and work today, have a very negative impact on health. 

Besides the physical, visible, body, human beings have an energetic body as well (i.e. electromagnetic field, biofield, energy field). The energetic and physical bodies work together in perfect harmony, until one of the two is disturbed by outside factors. In a healthy organism, the energy flow throughout the body is powerful and constant, entering it through the crown chakra and leaving it through the root chakra (down the legs and into the ground).

Because our modern apartment and office buildings are vertical and extremely tall, we loose our connection to the Earth. Actually, there are voices saying that above the second floor the connection is lost entirely. Just imagine how many of us live and/or work above the second floor!

Also, because the buildings are reinforced with iron or steel, they interfere with our energetic bodies in a negative way, distorting our biofields and making us ill.

Please also take into account the fact that these constructions are not built to last -- not like the ancient ones. Today's skyscrapers require expensive periodic maintenance and the life expectancy is relatively short. If abandoned, the skyscrapers would decay (mainly due to rust) in just decades. By contrast, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, for example, are 5,000 - 10,000 years old (official VS. new studies) and still standing -- without any kind of maintenance.

So, why are there no signs of a modern civilization, very similar to ours? It's either because our ancestors evolved beyond this stage long ago and recycled everything (e.g. "antigravitational" technology used correctly, would render useless most of the paved roads and highways we have today -- more than 11 million miles, to be exact), or either because they took a completely different evolutionary path, and haven't built them at all in the first place. As I was saying earlier, searching for nuclear power plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing factories, suspended highways, etc. is not the correct approach.

Another interesting aspect to consider, is that Earth's population might have never been so high, in the old times. A population of less than a billion individuals, dispersed all over the planet, growing their own food, living in perfect harmony with the environment and using only biodegradable materials would only leave a minimal print on the Earth's surface. And what if their main buildings were not located on the surface at all? Think about it...

Alex Collier Interview + Nibiru Insights -- February 20, 2013

Though Alex Collier is officially retired from public life for some time now, I was able to find a recent radio conversation between Alex and Jar Perron, for "Ever Beyond". 

In opening, the host integrated an excerpt from an interview with astrophysicist Jim McCanney. If I remember correctly, this interview is not new, and warned of the passing of a smaller solar system throughout our own.

David Icke: The Fall of The Vatican & British Royalty

David Icke on the Meria Heller Show, speaks about the fall of the Vatican and British Royalty: